Background: Despite the popularity of dating apps, there remain scarce data on the motivations, consequences and their influence on sexual behavior change in the Australian population. Objective: To explore motivations, dating app relationships, unintended consequences and change in sexual behavior in dating app users at an Australian music festival. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used.

In this project I was given a team to work with. The project was to choose a company that we dislike and create a viral one with higher morals. I choose Meta and decided to create a company called Infra. In Greek Meta means the thing defining itself in a higher perspective. We saw that as egoistic and choose Infra since it also is a Greek prefix but means below and further on.
I led the group with my team coming up with iterations of my ideas and expanding on from them. I worked on the website and brand identity while the rest of the group focused on the methods of sharing awareness for our project. We created a survey for our class to fill out and presented our findings during our final presentation.